God works in mysterious ways...Give it to God and He'll work it out.
These are 2 statements that I truly believe in, especially the latter.
This post is a small departure from my usual subjects, but it is my sabbatical and the history leading up to it that is the main reason for this post. Confused? Just read on.
Today I was moved to tears during worship this morning at Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock, AR. It is the second time in the past 2 months that I have found myself wiping away tears during a song at Fellowship Bible Church. Did I mention that we've only been visiting this church off and on for the past 3 months? Oh, and by the way, it was a girl/woman singing/leading the song, and then she "led" a prayer to close the song today.
Why am I even visiting other churches after a year in Little Rock? Because I can't remember the last time I was moved to tears during a song in church. Honestly, I can't remember the last time, if ever, I was moved to tears while participating from the congregation. I've cried while leading worship, but not while sitting or standing in the crowd...that I can remember.
Long story short: I grew up in the church of Christ. I went to a church of Christ college. I worked for said college and another (where I met my wife). Tried different churches and denominations the past 10 years, the last one being a church of Christ here in Little Rock the past year. But there are several issues a few paragraphs back that would be MAJOR issues at all of these places (instruments, females "leading" worship, and especially a female "leading" a prayer). And that's why I'm visiting Fellowship.
When I tell people (when prompted) that I'm visiting churches again, they say, "Oh, well you should come to this church (of Christ)." But I can't explain to them, without offending them that it is just not right for me.
And although there are many great things about all the places I've been a member or visited (by the way: my home congregation growing up in San Antonio was major progressive 10 years ago on women's roles in the church), the easiest way to say it is that I have not been moved to tears.
The funny thing about us being at Fellowship (not decided if for good), is that our old preacher at FCC Owasso, mentioned it as a possibility when we were coming to Arkansas. So as my boy Tibbles would say, "Mad Props to Charlie."
When were you last moved to tears?
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